Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Sun enters to Sagittarius in a few days!

The Sun enters to Sagittarius on Wednesday, December 18 at 5:10 GMT. After traveling for 33.4 degrees in about 33 days in the Constellation, the Sun will leave to Capricorn on January 20, 2014 at 00:20 GMT.
Everyone born in this period will be Sagittarius because what exactly determines your Zodiac sign, is the position of the Sun in a Zodiacal Constellation at the time and date of birth. Each year the dates that the Sun enters in the zodiac constellations change with the precessional movement of the Earth. If you wish to find your real zodiac sign you should look on the tables 1930 - 2020 in the left menu of this web page.
Let 's see in detail what this year's path of the Sun in Sagittarius will look like.
The New Moon will occur in Sagittarius on January 1, 2014 and symbolizes the hope for a happy new year.
The Full Moon of January 16 in Gemini will bring intensity and passion..
planet Mercury, after a strong presence in Ophiuchus, will pass in Sagittarius on 22 December 2013, already in closed conjunction with the Sun which will culminate on the 27th of this month. On January 7 and 8, Mercury goes away from the Sun and meets Venus. The latter is already retrograde in Sagittarius, a phenomenon that will expire on January 31 2014.
Jupiter will remain retrograde in Gemini until March 2014 bringing economic upheavals and turbulence in the first quarter of many people.
We shall talk in detail about every one of the 13 Zodiac Signs in our weekly Horoscopes, on the web page

Vasilis Kanatas

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On the tropical and equatorial and Fixed and disomy signs of the Zodiac

In the chapter entitled as above from Tetrabiblos, Claudius Ptolemy, the presumed founder of Horoscopic Astrology, tells us how and why the signs are divided into categories.
Each one of the 12 Zodiac Signs, Claudius Ptolemy believes that, occupy 30-degree arcs on the sky. Altogether we have 12 signs X 30 degrees = 360 degrees, a full circle. At points where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator are the Equatorial Zodiac Signs: Aries and Libra. The Tropical zodiac Signs are at the summer solstice: Cancer and Capricorn at winter solstice.
Fixed features the author of the Tetrabiblos, 4 Signs that are post-tropical and post-equatorial ie: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They are called Fixed because of the humidity, heat, dryness and coldness that began to install firmly in the previous Signs.
Finally Disoma are the Signs that follow the fixed: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. They are named so because they lie between fixed and Equatorial or Tropical Zodiac Signs.

Modern Tropical Astrology left the category of the Fixed Signs the same and renamed Disoma to Variable. Equatorial merged with the tropical Zodiac Signs to the new class of the impulsive Signs.

In summary:
old name - new name - Zodiac signs
FIXED  -      FIXED -         Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
DISOMA  -   VARIABLES- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
TROPICAL - IMPULSIVE - Cancer, Capricorn

Tropical Astrology accepted those supported by Claudius Ptolemy. They only changed some names but the substance, the method and the word remains the same.
Let's move on to the substance of the categories established by the Tropical Astrology to see whether they withstand scientific criticism.

Because of the precession of the Equinoxes, Heaven's dome has changed in relation to 100 AD So the signs of Aries and Libra that were Equatorial, today they have given their place in Pisces and Virgo. Because the path of the Sun crosses the celestial equator in Pisces and Virgo.
The summer solstice is now in Taurus and Winter solstice is in Sagittarius, so neither the Tropical Zodiacs are in the concept that was introduced by Ptolemy.
Hence the current category of impulsive left devoid of the cause that created it.
Needless to say that the two remaining categories did not apply because:
1. Aries is a fixed sign and not impulsive (as the next sign of Pisces)
2. Libra became fix from impulsive (as next of Virgo)
3. The Twins became fixed signs from variable (next of Taurus)
4. Capricorn became fixed from impulsive. (Next of Sagittarius)

Due to the motion of the Earth, the old classification is no longer valid. The Zodiac Constellations are 13 and the dates the Sun enters the signs have changed. This is no reason to stop dealing with astrology. Astrology just needs a new theory to adjusts its data to Astronomy's facts. Astrology Needs changes and winkle out from old dogmas.
"Astrology of the 13 signs of the Zodiac" is a new theory that removes the categorization of the constellations with the concept introduced by Claudius Ptolemy. It is putting Astrology in a new basis. News Signs have more autonomous features. The main criterion for Astrology is not to be opposed to Astronomy's data.
In my book "Astrology of the 13 signs of the Zodiac: Ophiuchus, the New sign of the zodiac circle" I'm answering a series of questions about the New Astrological Theory and explaining how to built the New Horoscope of the 13 Zodiac signs in a new more autonomous and scientific way.

Vasilis Kanatas

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Sun enters to Ophiuchus

The sun enters to #Ophiuchus on Friday, November 29, 2013 at 21:40 GMT. Having traveled approximately 18.6 degrees in 18 days he will leave to #Sagittarius on the 18th of December at 5:10 GMT.
It is a scientifically proven fact that the Sun's annual path passes through 13 zodiacal constellations, not 12 as previously thought. Certainly many astrologers make predictions based on the 12 zodiac signs and the dates the Sun passes through them. Needless to say that the only proper practice now is to follow the adjustment of #Astrology to the 13 Zodiac Signs and their annual limits as derived from the NASA Astronomical Ephemeris.
During the stay of the Sun in the constellation of Ophiuchus the following effects and transitions of planets will be reported:
The Full Moon will take place in Taurus on December 17, 2013, one day before the entrance of the Sun in Sagittarius. Great intensity and passion is concentrated around this date!
Mercury is in Libra on right track and on December 5 he will enter Scorpio for a second time this year! On December 10 he will pass to Ophiuchus bringing mood for learning and gathering knowledge..
Venus will be in Sagittarius all of the days that the Sun will spend in Ophiuchus.
Those wishing to pursue a New Astrology grounded in the science of astronomy can do it in a simple way by applying the principles discussed in the book "Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac."

Rear more about 13 Zodiac Astrology:

Monday, November 25, 2013

13 Zodiac Astrology Cancer horoscope for the week Nov. 25 to Dec. 1 2013

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

( Nov. 25 - Dec. 1, 2013 )
This week's Moon positions:
Monday 25 - Moon in LEO / opposite Neptune (Aquarius) / Square the Sun (Scorpio) [T-Squares]
Tuesday 26 - Moon in LEO / Square the Sun / Trine Venus (Sagittarius) / Sextile the Mercury & Saturn conjunction - which is turn is Sextile Venus [double-Sextile]
Wednesday 27 - Moon in LEO conjunct Mars and moving into VIRGO about lunchtime / when conjunct Mars, the Moon forms Sextiles to both Jupiter and also to the Mercury & Saturn conjunction / Moon Trine Venus (Sagittarius).
Thursday 28 - Moon in VIRGO directly opposite Uranus (Pisces) / Sextile the Sun (in Scorpio).
Friday 29 - Moon in VIRGO  / T-Square Jupiter (Gemini) and Venus (Sagittarius) [SUN INTO OPHIUCHUS]
Saturday 30 - Moon in VIRGO then into LIBRA / Trine Neptune (Aquarius).
Sunday 01 - Moon in LIBRA / conjunct Saturn and then Mercury.
Cancer, this week will kick-start with more energy but watch out on Monday for the Moon's positioning opposite Neptune, which when combined with the Moon being in fiery Leo could cause problems. You feel in extrovert-mode but can't help feeling unsettled and strangely sensitive to comments made by others which you might mistakenly take personally when there is no ill-feeling intended. The Moon in Leo makes you proud but the connection to Neptune makes that pride rather fragile and easily-offended. Be conscious that any feelings of inferiority or guilt are nebulosities - ignore them and don't let them cause you to doubt yourself. The 90-degree Square aspect of Moon-Sun may exacerbate irritability and feeling ill-at-ease and may cause some small set-back on the home-front. Just be careful - contain and control the energies of the Moon in Leo and think carefully before you say or do anything.
Tuesday allows you a better opportunity to enjoy the Moon's position in Leo because it forms a 120-degree Trine to Venus. Today is a good day to spend time with friends and try to do things hat you enjoy and seek fun. It is a romantic day - you like people and they like you back! If you can take time off work is week, then Tuesday is the best day to suit yourself and do something you enjoy instead.
Wednesday - could be potentially problematic and quite damaging! The Moon is conjunct Mars in Leo creating extremely strong energies and making you potentially volatile, self-centred and disagreeable. Do not do or say anything hastily or you may well regret it late. This phase is short, so just weather the storm, stay out of trouble and walk away from any situation or person that gets under your skin rather than stand and tell them what you really things.
Thursday is a other day to exercise caution. The Moon is opposite Uranus and this brings unexpected events and surprises which may not be what you particularly want or know how to deal with. You will be in an unpredictable frame of mind and is may cause you do do and say things that make people slightly concerned about your 'strange-ness'. The way other people respond to you might even cause you to go further out on a limb with out-of-character behaviour and an argument might arise even though you are not seeking one. Just keep your head down at work today and use the moon's position in Virgo to stay focused on any task that requires attention to details and calls on your organisational skills. Keep the day as simple as possible, hang onto your routines for the day and deal with anything that comes your way that is unexpected or complicated as quickly and effectively as possible and then let it go.
Friday is a good day to expand your mind, think positively and make forward-looking decisions. You have optimism, are approachable and easy to get along with - and you have a streak of creativity! Just watch you don't over-indulge with food or drink, because the opposition between Jupiter and Venus that the Moon is forming a T-Square to suggests that a degree of restraint and moderation is required to make the most of the potential benefits these aspects promise. Enjoy yourself and have fun, but know when to draw a line under it and call it a day!
The weekend, Saturday looks like the prefect day to visit an art gallery, go see some theatre, take a walk in nature or just day-dream. Engage in anything calls upon your creative side, avoid anything taxing or demanding and you will get the most out of today's positive opportunities. On Sunday the Moon moves past Saturn on the ecliptic and then later in the day, Mercury. This causes some frustration and upheaval, but with the sign being Libra, you should instinctively know how to balance any tensions  and seek harmony even if you don't feel too tranquil inside. Sunday morning may be a good day to do some work around the house or sort out some paperwork - and then int be afternoon get out and about to express the more Mercurial energies of the day: why not head out and do some Christmas shopping in town in the afternoon and stop off at a Christmas market to hob-nob with market traders and buy some unusual Christmas gifts for family and friends!
This week is a bit up and down, and here are days you will need to be cautious in how you interact with the world. The best days are Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
4 potentially great days out of 7 days isn't bad. Make sure you take full advantage of them!
The Sun in Scorpio this week / Ophiuchus at the weekend:
After having moved into Scorpio last Saturday, the Sun continues to cross this constellation before progressing into Ophiuchus on Friday. This is a rather exciting week because while the Sun spends its extremely short time in Scorpio (only six days!), it is one of the more potent and remarkable of the 13 signs. Basically, all interpersonal connections operate on a primary, basic level - stripping away social pretensions and superficiality to reveal what exists beneath the veneer. This can be quite shocking and unsettling, but also very exciting and stimulating! The energies unlocked by Scorpio can be intensely emotional and may explode out from the unconscious in ways that take us by surprise!
We may feel deep forces welling up from deep within us, intensifying our feelings towards others, which may be fairly extreme such as obsessional attraction or jealousy. Or perhaps we find ourselves suddenly gaining profound insight into the motivations and games others may be playing out routinely in their (and our) lives. This is a week to see the truth around you - whether you want to see it or not. Ties between people that are not counter-productive may be dramatically broken as emotions possibly erupt. By the time we reach the weekend, Scorpio should have unlocked so much unconscious material that needs to be dealt with that most of us will probably feel quite exhausted.
This is a week in which to state our intentions, but just remember that there are ways and means of doing so. Avoid anything dramatic or destructive if you possibly can. If you spend as much time as possible reflecting and staying in tune with your inner-self, then you should be able to recognise any emotions that are surfacing which require you to take action. You can then formulate a plan to  achieve your aims without doing anything hasty or regrettable. It is just  as much as week to arrive at a clearer and deeper level of understanding regarding our innermost feelings as it is to take action and express them! The former is ultimately much more important than the latter.
Depending on just how disruptive or explosive these manifestations actually are in their forms of expression, the Sun moving into Ophiuchus on Friday will be welcome in proportion. The time that the Sun spends in Ophiuchus is a period during which there is a soothing of the unconscious. As Scorpio stirs up the waters of the unconscious, Ophiuchus calms and stills them. After any dramatic period, time is needed to reflect on and process what has taken place. We all need to retreat into out psychological caves and come to terms with whatever has been brought to the surface that needs to be confronted and come to terms with. Therefore, expect a quiet, reflective weekend afterwards what could well turn out to be a tiring and demanding emotional week!
>>> Overview / reiteration of the Moon's significance:
The sign of Cancer the Crab is associated with the Moon, which is why I have exclusively always only listed its movements for this sign. Other signs would do well to study its daily-movements, because it does set the mood-themes for the week. Other signs have their own complex arrangements going on via their associated planet's positions and aspects, but with Cancer the speed with which it travels along the Ecliptic and around the Earth FAR surpasses all of the others in terms of weaving an ever-changing, highly exciting, colourful tapestry!
The Moon's phases during the week affects us all (and Cancerians particularly) according to Dane Rudhyar's theory - which both Vasilis and I subscribe to. We must watch its phases because they set the scene for the overall month's 'mood' and also that of a profound general cycle which begins with the New Moon, ascends through personal realisation (according to your particular sign and Natal Moon position), reaches a zenith / eureka-moment (at Full Moon), wanes through reflection and then tails off in speculative reflection on what has been, what has been learned, assimilated and then deemed necessary to take through the regenerative process by the New Moon from the last cycle into the new one.
- You will find the book by Dane Rudhyar, 'The Lunation Cycle: a Key to the Understanding of Personality' extremely useful in this respect, as far as learning how to interpret the meaning of the Moon's phases FOR YOURSELF is concerned: something there simply isn't scope to do in sufficient detail here in our weekly forecasts.
- Vasilis introduced me to this book and your getting to grips with its key concepts, will serve as a useful introduction to the overall concept of '13-Sign Astrology'; something you might wish to take up further by undertaking the forthcoming online 13-sign study-modules that Vasilis is planning for launch at a later date.
David McCracken - Leeds, UK - 25/11/13.
Other weekly horoscopes:

Pisces (12 March to 19 April):
Aries (19 April to 14 May): 
Taurus (14 May to 22 June): 
Gemini (22 June to 21 July):
Cancer (21 July to 11 August):
Leo (11 August to 17 September):
Virgo (17 September - 31 October):
Libra (31 October - 23 November):
Scorpio (23 November - 30 November):
Ophiuchus (30 November - 18 December):
Sagittarius (18 December - 20 January): 
Capricorn (20 January - 16 February): 
Aquarius (16 February - 12 March):

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Obeying the irrefutable laws of nature, the Sun is transiting Zodiac Sign passing to Scorpio on November 23, 2013 at 9:30 GMT (Greenwich). After traveling 6.5 degrees in approximately 6 and ½ days the Sun will pass in Ophiuchus on November 29, 2013, at 21:40 GMT.
The path of the Sun on the ecliptic, the colored belt in the picture, is directed to the left about a degree every day. But be careful not to get confused by the apparent path of the Sun in the sky which is from right to left when looking towards the South (In the Northern Hemisphere). The daily course of the sun is barely perceptible to the zodiacal constellations that change places slightly, as they rise earlier on time each single day.
All babies born during this time will be Scorpios according to 13 Zodiac Astrology which takes into account the actual positions of the Sun and planets in the sky.
In the picture we see the position of the Sun on the day it is entering in Scorpio (colored blue in the image above) at 12:00 GMT and the positions of the planets Venus (left of the Sun in this image, at the Constellation of Sagittarius-red color-) Mercury and Saturn (In Libra, right of the Sun -yellow-)and Mars in Leo, closing to the boundary with Virgo.
The Sun will transit to Ophiuchus on November 29. The Zodiac Sign of Ophiuchus is depicted in black colour with the Greek letter Phi “Φ” in this image. Next week we shall talk about the course of the Sun in Ophiuchus... more from Vasilis Kanatas at